Curve cap type when exporting PDF

Hi there,

Image below is a Make2D exported to PDF without ‘joining’ the curves.

This image is with joined curves

The corners look sharp here, but there’s that noticeable pointy corner.
In illustrator, it seems to default as a rounded cap.
Is there any workflow within Rhino to either rid the sharp corners, or make rounded curve caps?


Hi Jeremy -
Which version of Rhino are you running?

Hi Wim,

I’m running 7.3.21039


Hi Jeremy -

Could you please update to the current 7.6 service release or the 7.7 release candidate and try again.
There have been recent changes in this area.

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Hi Wim,
Thanks for that, I’ll update soon.
Is it a setting which needs to be changed? Or is it under the hood; defaulting to the round cap style?


Hi Jeremy -
It’s under the hood and rounds caps, yes.
We have a feature request for more options (RH-2285 - Support for different endcaps) that dates back to 2006…

Hi Wim

Indeed it’s looking great now on 7.6 with the round curve caps both for un-joined and joined curves :slight_smile:
