In R7, lines, particularly dashed lines, are displaying in print preview with rounded end caps. Is there a setting for flat or squared off line segments and dashes?
Seeing this has been addressed in other threads, but not finding a solution. Thank you
Hi Tyler - dashes are squared off in V8:
I do not think V7 or V8 has user control for the internal caps, just the end ones, in V8
Interesting. Thank you Pascal! these are nice square/flat dashes. It looks like you can set the cap style to flat in this dialogue too? …then this dashed segment would have no rounded profiles, correct?
I am just trying to get away from the hotdog shaped lines and dashes (rounded cap) in V7. Is this possible, or will I have to upgrade? Thanks again!
There were a lot of features added to linetypes in Rhino 8. These features don’t exist in 7 and would require an upgrade to 8.
Here’s our marketing blurb on what got added with regards to linetypes
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