I’m sort of a newbie when it comes to grasshopper but I have been recently diving deeper into it and trying to gain a better understanding especially with it’s integration with Rhino inside of Revit. I’m currently working on a project for school and I need some assistance with subtracting a hole based off a curve and having it translate into Revit.
I included both the rhino and grasshopper script, I baked in the wall to give a better understanding of how I want to form the shape.
Thank you for the response. I was wondering if there was a way to convert a brep into a revit wall. I have sort of given up because I think most of my curves are too complex to actually create the void so instead is it possible to create a wall out of a brep? If so I would manually create all of the window openings and than just translate it back into revit
I was using the circles and what not as a facade so I’m fine leaving them as a DirectShape, I was wondering if it’d be possible to turn this closed poly surface for example into a revit wall so I could just add a window and what not.