Here’s a go at something like this with the ‘MeshCageMorph’ component. (from here)
This is still pretty experimental right now, so please limit your expectations for its usability! (89.3 KB)
The ‘cage’ being used here is actually composed of multiple disjoint boxes
which are kept rigid, and linked with hinges at the green lines with Kangaroo.
You could also skip the Kangaroo part, and just move the mesh cage in Rhino.
The bigger the gaps between the cage parts, the more smoothly the mesh will bend there. There are no joint limits included, so fingers can bend the wrong way.
Hopefully a better option will be the bone based skinning
(what is shown in the animations I posted in the thread Jeremy linked above)
since that doesn’t require building a cage around the geometry, but just needs central lines or points.
However, there’s more work to be done on that before it is ready for release - particularly for automatically generating the skinning weights, and for constraining the rig more intuitively.
I want to make this stuff better in Rhino, but I’ll also be honest and say that right now this is something that would be much easier done in something like Blender