Creating complex spirograph


I’m trying to create a complex spirograph, similar to the one in the link below:

First I tried use Spirorat-components, but I noticed a couple of problems:

  1. The next circle cannot be bigger than the previous one.
  2. The hole position cannot be outside the circle.
  3. The second circle should revolve around the first circle and the third circle around the second, but this does not happen. (9.9 KB)

Is it even possible to create that complex spiroraph using those Spirorat-components?

Second, I tried to create that spirograph from scratch: (14.6 KB)

Here I solved problems 1. and 2. Sort of… But this needs some kind loop(?) to draw that pattern.
Anemone perhaps? (Loop Start-Loop End)?

This is based on this tutorial:

I´m new with Grasshopper and I know that there are some flaws, but I´m trying to learn…

Any tips and tricks are welcome and I would appreciate them.

-Samuli Savolainen

Spiro/Hypo Crvs are very easy to do using code (components/add-ons/etc are not my game - at all). If you want an indicative C# on that matter notify (but if you are not willing to walk that walk … well … it could be a bit useless to you).

See a very simple take:

And the maths for the above:

:+1: :nerd_face: :heavy_check_mark: