Using this Exercise 2. Create a Door - VisualARQ as my guide, I am attempting to create a Door type with a stop applied to the frame, but I haven’t figured out how to combine the components together in one Door type.
The result and the grasshopper document are below. All I can get is one component at a time by plugging one of the upper left hand Blocks (Leaf, Frame, and Stop - top to bottom) into the “C” (Component) port on the Door Style Block (Grey). None of these cut a hole in the wall. (The Door Style node (green) is loaded with Va’s standard Hinged Door Style, but the style block (grey) gives an error unless it’s receiving data in the ports I’ve connected, though the width and height settings have no effect.)
You can get more components clicking in the output you want to switch and holding the shift key until you connect it to the C input.
You are loading the style in the Door Style param but then, you are connecting it to the “Name” input of the Door Style component. The Door Style component is used to create a style, so you don’t need to connect an already existing style to the Door Style component, you need to connect a string to define the name you want for your new style.
Thankyou Alfonso. I will try that. Please let me know any thoughts you have on why - when I openned this grasshopper document - it loaded blank nodes where the Va nodes should be.
Also - how do I get it to cut a hole in the wall for itself?
Thanks Alfonso. I am at work on this right now. I see that you have added an opening. I am looking also at this example: Doors windows - VisualARQ and I don’t see such an opening node? (though it has an opening?)
I can see that I am going to have to return to this later and for now while at work I will be able more quickly to just add door stops to my Va door within Rhino. Still much more to learn on Grasshopper.
In the meantime, can a version of a Va object be opened in grasshopper and edited, or the setup at least be visualized there? Perhaps these objects are written in a different programming language altogether?
Hi @djhg the intersection of openings in walls are not computed in Grasshopper for the sake of good performance. When you bake the wall and the opening, the opening cut will be generated.
The same happens with wall joints or beam joints in Grasshopper.
We have plans to add an option in order to ask GH to compute these intersections if needed or not.
If you mean the object styles libraries, most of them are written in a different programming language. You can only edit VA objects in Grasshopper if they have been created there and you have got the Gh file.
Thanks. Back to the Grasshoppper creation of a door.
In the below tutorial, there is a complex arrangement of nodes estabilishing the placement of the door. [quote=“djhg, post:6, topic:134093”] Doors windows - VisualARQ a
But in this one there isn’t such a cluster
Is that because in the latter example the door style specified already includes those parameters?
-The second one is about using the VisualARQ Grasshopper components to create VisualARQ objects, instead of using the VisualARQ commands in Rhino:
So, in the latter example you can define the location of the door with just one point and use the VisualARQ components to create all the parts of the door, while in the first example you need to define the whole geometry of the door to create a style and once you have it created you will be able to define the location in Rhino.