Hello everyone,
This door style keeps not showing, I tried updating document and stuff but still doesn’t show. Anyone know how to make it appear?
here is the door component
puerta3dr7(1).val (564.2 KB)
Hello everyone,
This door style keeps not showing, I tried updating document and stuff but still doesn’t show. Anyone know how to make it appear?
here is the door component
puerta3dr7(1).val (564.2 KB)
anyone knows??
Are you having this problem where the grasshopper style temporarily disappears?
It doesn’t help, i tried updating and its only this door style!
I have downloaded your definition and I think there is something wrong with it. When I was trying to insert the door all I could get was some laggy door phantom and some info about selecting a curve. I don’t think any door needs any curve. After some long seconds I closed Rhino by force.
So, maybe just share your GH definition?
Cheers, Jaro
i downloaded this door style from food4rhino some years ago, I don’t have the definition
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate, in which Rhino version are you having this issue? I’ve tried it in VisualARQ 2 for Rhino 7 and it works fine. But in Rhino 8 I have also the same problem as @jerry.bakowski. I’ve tried to uncheck the “preview” of some of its components, and it works better. (Do right-click on the door style to launch the Grasshopper-style wizard):
You can try to write to the author of this style to get the original Grasshopper file.
For this and other reasons, I have mixed feelings about Rhino 8. McNeal introduced a lot of fantastic new features, but also broke a lot. Unfortunately, this affects the use of VA3 as a whole, and because of these shortcomings of Rhino 8, I personally prefer the less advanced but more stable VA2 running with Rhino 6.
Cheers, Jaro
didnt know this exists, thanks
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate and @jerry.bakowski in the last VisualARQ 3.2 version (available as a Release Candidate here: VisualARQ 3 - Version 3.2 RC2 released ) we have improved the performance of dealing with Grasshopper Styles. We have tested it with the door style example described in this post.