Create a volume encapsulates all the ray lines

Hi, I’m completely new to Rhino and Grasshopper, I use Solidworks for work and need to work with rays, but it is extremely slow. I need then to convert all the rays (straight lines) to a minimum volume that encapsulate all these rays. This way the file size would reduce and when I export them back to step files. I was hoping that grasshopper can do that. I was looking at dendro curve to volume but it doesn’t work. Can anyone show me in the right direction?

rays example.3dm (4.0 MB)

convexhull (444.1 KB)

Use 3D Convex Hull.

thank you for you help, again I’m absolute beginer here.
How can I select the lines from my Rhino window? I try to emty the lines in Grasshopper, and set multiple lines, but I’m unable to select my set of lines

for sure it is not that simple
I advise you to put a Geometry component
Then rick click on the component and select

Then go on Rhino
Select the curve, then Enter
And it will work.
convexhull (6.8 KB)

It is a good example of how Grasshopper is not easy for people at the beginning, related to this dicussion

Your lines are in a block so these are the steps I used:

  • In R8 (too bad), select the block of lines and go to ‘Edit | Blocks | Explode Block’
  • In Grasshopper, place a Crv param on the canvas
  • Select all the lines, right-click the Crv param and choose ‘Set Multiple Curves’

At that point, you have the lines in GH and can do things with them.
