I am trying to get from a point cloud to a surface - I want the bounds of the surface to match the boundary of the point cloud. I’m not sure where to start! I’ve loaded the points into a Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud and passed that to Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreatePatch - which creates a surface that covers the points but the boundaries are not right. Is CreatePatch the right way to go or is there something else I should be trying. This was the initial lead I was following
Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud kerbcloud = new Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud();
//some code to load up the kerbcloud
//creating the array of point clouds
Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud[] cloudarray = new Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud1;
cloudarray[0] = kerbcloud;
Brep brep = Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreatePatch(cloudarray, 20,20, 0.1);
Surface srf = brep.Surfaces[0];
Any help would be greatly appreciated.