Crazy spiral

Hi guys, i have a spiral 3d model i am trying to complete but i cant seem to close it off in rhino and i don’t want to run to 3ds max, can someone show me the error of my way? here is the model if anyone wants to attempt (3.0 MB)

This might help some if all you need is to get the shape closed up.

  1. setup to make the surface and use Sweep2
  2. make some surfaces to split the sweep result.
  3. split the surface and join up the parts.

Spiral Test 2.3dm (714.3 KB)

Hi lowell, thanks for that attempt! problem is that the center is abit weird the way you have it done, it needs to be a nice surface and not spiraling to a point and closed but i know where you are getting at, i will try to finish the model using this and my limited knowledge of rhino. Thanks!

i have managed to reach to this point according to the drawings i received but at the top of the spiral i cant seem to get a smooth continuous surface but rather sharp lines across the surface (center of spiral). I tried match surface but if anyone knows of a better way to get rid of those top lines i would be grateful. Thanks in advance.
test spiral.3dm (274.7 KB)

I guess I’d arrange the top bits something like in the attached file - curves need to be smoothly connected at the red arrow and tangent to the top face at the blue one, it seems to me.

test spiral_PG.3dm (294.9 KB)

Thanks @pascal this is much better than what i had so i will replace my surface with this, thanks!