using 8.0.23108.14305 on win11; upon opening rhino, I saw this:
what I had done in a prior session was to copy a button and change the macros, and then I moved it:
but now it has no icon and no macros; so let’s try to repro that – ctrl+drag a copy of the viewport props button and edit its macros:
I think I have seen it mentioned before about the right-button macro not showing correctly until re-opening the editor, so let’s ignore that and just confirm that the commands work:
now shift+drag move the new button:
seems to have worked, and the commands still work:
however, in the command line I see printed errors like these, maybe dozens of times
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'Rhino.UI.Internal.TabPanels.Controls.ToolBarControlItem'.
at Eto.Widget.get_Handler() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Widget.cs:line 93
at Eto.Forms.Control.get_Handler() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Controls\Control.cs:line 34
at Eto.Forms.Control.get_Cursor() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Controls\Control.cs:line 1311
at Rhino.UI.Internal.TabPanels.Controls.ToolBarControlItem.OnRhinoAppKeyboardEvent(Int32 key)
at Rhino.RhinoApp.OnKeyboardEvent(Int32 key)
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'Rhino.UI.Internal.TabPanels.Controls.ToolBarControlItem'.
at Eto.Widget.get_Handler() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Widget.cs:line 93
at Eto.Forms.Control.get_Handler() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Controls\Control.cs:line 34
at Eto.Forms.Control.get_Cursor() in D:\BuildAgent\work\dujour\src4\DotNetSDK\Eto\src\Eto\Forms\Controls\Control.cs:line 1311
at Rhino.UI.Internal.TabPanels.Controls.ToolBarControlItem.OnRhinoAppKeyboardEvent(Int32 key)
at Rhino.RhinoApp.OnKeyboardEvent(Int32 key)
and when I restart rhino, the new button has the wrong icon:
and no macros:
the toolbar I’m dragging into is from my plugin’s .rui, which is installed next to my plugin, but which rhino 8 is not automatically opening like rhino 7 does, so what I had done was to click in a toolbar area > show toolbars, choose bella_rhino from the RUI Files dropdown, and show & dock its only toolbar as shown in the screenshots; here is that .rui extracted from my plugin installer:
bella_rhino.rui (7.9 KB)