Currently trying for a four vertex shell as shown, I aim to replicate this quadmeshing onto more complex curved surfaces composed of triangular faces like these.
The mesh plane only generates a rectangular plane composed of quad elements. And the mesh machine generates triangular mesh. If mesh machine could generate quad mesh as well for irregular planar geometry, then I can have the ability to choose between triangular and quad.
But why do you need or want to use meshmachine when you can control the resolution of the quad mesh in the mesh plane component or subdivide later. And it begins and ends as quads. It just seems like you could skip using meshmachine, if you want quads.
For the picture: in grasshopper go to file>export quick image, and add in the viewport with one of the buttons on the top row.
I am in search of a dynamic ‘number slider’ kind of solution that generates lines in grasshopper itself based on the quad mesh, then I can place multiple pipes upon it, so as to simulate a bamboo gridshell.