Converting double curved surface into single curved one with diamond panels

Is there a way to convert a double curved surface in Rhino with diamond panels to single curved ones for fabrication? I have tried modelling it on Revit but it is taking too much time and I have to model the panels individually.

I don’t know of a way to do that. If your base surface is doubly curves, and you need your panels to exactly follow the surface, then you will get doubly curved panels. In most cases, you need to either change the surface, or allow tolerances or deviation from the original surface.
Not sure how you could achieve otherwise, even if you model the panels manually one by one.

Continuing the discussion from Converting double curved surface into single curved one with diamond panels:

Thank you Rajaa. I have another question too. If I have a paneled Rhino model, that was done using grasshopper, can I track the paneling grid for it? It’s a model received, I didn’t model it originally.

Link to file:

The panels are baked into Rhino already. If you have the GH file, then you can bake the paneling grid as well (using ptBake).