Converting Bongo camera animation to Rhino-Two-Path animation per script?


since VfR can render Rhino path animations with precalculated GI and motion blur I ask me, could some one write a script, that record the Bongo animated camera frame by frame and create interpolated paths, so that the same camera animation could be rendered by the Rhino two path animation tool?


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Did you find a solution, because i tried to use the path animation of Rhino, but it did not run.
So i was planing to use Bongo, but not much hope.

Best regards

No, I found no solution to render motion blur per Bongo.

@Peter.Chaushev Is there a chance to get advanced V-Ray options for Bongo too? Precalculated LC could be nice for fly through and motion blur (camera/object) are missing. Also it would be great if the animated object data would be modified in the memory and loading the complete scene for each frame could be avoided.

I understand you very well, although Rhino is a very good and powerfull software for modelisation.
I’m disappointed about rendering and animation.
I use also Vray.

But now i’m looking to 3DS Max, despite as we say in French : It’s a gas factory"

Have nice day
