Convert surfaces into 1 level surfaces

is there a command to do this also with more complex surfaces?

Thank you!

Hi Hannes - what are you starting and ending with? Do you want meshes, or?


Hi @pascal,

I would like to model normally and after that I have nurbs surfaces but planar ones similar to meshes but not so dense. Like faceted surfaces that look minimal but take the previous model into account. I want to take them and cut the resulting plan in cardboard.

Thank you!

Hi Hannes - you can Mesh or QuadRemesh the object and then convert to a brep using ToNurbs. Does that do it?


@pascal the problem with this is that I will get very dense meshes or if loose I get a mesh that is not resembling the underlying geometry, it will shrink everything away. thought this would be managed by rebuild surface to level 1 u and v but it would only work to level 2.

Hi Hannes - can you post or send me an example?


@pascal I would like to have something like this. left is the facetted surface and right the original one.

best would be an option to have a command to facet all surfaces into planar surfaces. but this would be a dream come true. :slight_smile:

In that example, ExtractControlPolygon then ToNurbs might do it, but I cannot imagine it would in general.


thank you @pascal - i will give it a try!

@pascal would not work. I try to build just in planar surface this would do the trick. let’s see. Thank you!