Did a MeshToNURB command on a high resolution quad mesh, and the output resulted in 15744 individual surfaces. Is there any solution or workflow to merge these surfaces into one while keeping a great degree of accuracy with regard to the original shape? even if it would be a tedious process, I’m open to any suggestions. Thanks!
MeshToNURB converts each mesh face into a NURB surface. It’s primary use is with low density meshes.
There is no simple command that I am aware of to convert a polysurface to a single surface.
There are many ways to create a NURBS surface from a high density mesh. The “best” method depends on a number of factors including:
Topology of the shape. Can the shape by represented by untrimmed NURBS surfaces?
How smooth is the shape.
How accurately does the NURBS model need to conform to the mesh.
Density of the mesh.
Topology of the mesh. Is the mesh quad only cells arranged in rows and columns or does it have a more random arrangement
User knowledge.
One method I frequently use for shapes which can be represented by an untrimmed NURBS surface is Patch with a starting surface.
Typical workflow: DupBorder on mesh Point to create points at corners of border polycurve Split border polycurve using corner points EdgeSrf to create a starting surface Patch with mesh as object to fit to. Check Select starting surface.
Select the starting surface. Make sure Preserve edges is checked.
Complete Patch command. Added: Experiment with values of Stiffness for the starting suface. I typically use 0.1. Patch can be run several times using the previous result as the starting surface.
The resulting surface can be simplified if desired using the usual tools.
Hello - depending on what you’ve got there, we can only see a little of it, I wonder if it would be worth a try using V7 beta to get there ‘around the horn’ so to speak: First ToSubD the mesh, and then ToNurbs the SubD… ToNurbs will be able to combine multiple subD patches into single surfaces - it seems at least worth a shot to see how far it gets.