Can anyone with 3ds max convert a .max file for me so I can use it in rhino.
It is a 2013 version. about 9MB in size.
Inside 3D Studio, select desire model and “export as”. Then choose FBX output. It will open a menu. Inside choose “insert media content”. Save it for a new folder.
Then, again inside 3D Studio, with the same model, select it, "“export as” but now choose OBJ output. It will popup a menu, and choose “Rhino”. Save to the new folder you create for FBX.
Inside Rhino, first, import FBX file. Then you realise that Rhino create a folder with all materials from that 3D studio model. Now that you have the texture folder… Open a new Rhino and this time open OBJ file. After that just drop textures over the correspondent objects. It will add the textures like you see in 3D studio.
I think there is another way to repack all textures and correspondent model from 3D Studio. But till now, and as many people that i ask for, no one have a right answer for it. So i found this technique the most reliable. The worst part is loose time inserting all texture in all model objects.
I hope it help you.
Hi Architex,
Thanks for your reply but I should have said that I do not have 3dsmax2013 or higher, so I need someone who has this application to take my max file, and export it in the form of something that my Rhino5 can open.
thanks ,
I can do that for you, if you need of course. Just send your file to: