Components Preview and Enable displaying when not selected

After updating to the latest SR (7.21.22199.17001), i notice that when setting a component to display Preview Off and/or Enable Off, it shows the “normal” clear grey. If i select it i can tell its status, but when unselected i can’t tell.
Something was changed somewhere that i need to be aware of?

Since probably the question was not clear enough, i’m attaching an image of what i mean.
As you can see there is no difference between Preview On/Off whether components are selected or unselected.
As for the Enabled status, when the component is selected it is clear but when unselected is hard to notice the status.
I don’t know if this is something i can change on the settings or it is how it is from now on.
Of course i recommend to get it back as it was before.

Hi -

As far as I know, there hasn’t been a change in this area. On my system, this still looks like this:

Do you have any Grasshopper plug-ins that modify the appearance of canvas elements?
Have you checked the Grasshopper Settings → Display → Palette settings?

Hi @wim ,
No, i don’t have any plugin that changes the appearance of the components.
I did check the Palette settings. Suspiciously all “Normal” options look the same, but when i change one of them, all the components on canvas adopt the change doesn’t matter the status (enabled, preview, etc).
Is there a way to reset to factory these settings?

Update: Checked in Rhino 6 and it is behaving also “badly”. I’ll try to disable all plugins i have to see if there is a culprit for this situation.

Taking out all plugins didn’t help.
This is how the GH settings looks like:

You can see that for all possibilities, the “Normal” setting looks alike.
Moreover, if i change the color for one of them it applies to all.
Worst than that, when restarting Rhino+GH all changes are reset to what the above image shows, i.e. all the same.

No clue how to solve this.

Want to report that the guilt was found.
I’m using a plugin, POD_GH_BUTTON that has a setting to disable the normal palette. I didn’t pay attention that i disabled it.
Everything is good now.

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