is there a method to get the translation of all command names ? to a desired language.
(in my case german:
I am teaching a class and they use both - the german and english interface.)
workarround for a single command is simple - exchange the de-de and En-Us in the Url of the online help: Rhinoceros Help Rhinoceros Help
but it would be nice to have it as an complete collection somewhere - or to access the translation-info somewhare … something like a _translate - command
For my class I ended up importing the de-de.xml file into Excel and futzing around with it a bit to extract what I wanted. Here is the resulting .pdf FWIW, but it doesn’t include everything (it’s modelmaker apprentice specific) and it’s only Rhino V6 - haven’t done V7 yet.
but i do not need any further action here - just wanted to inform others that the list above has some missing commands.
I used the list to automatically detect commands in a tutorial file and link them with the help…