I am looking to create a list of basic commands English <> German for an upcoming class. I seem to recall (ISTR) that there was such a document for the main Rhino languages…
I found this for German - Rhino Befehle [McNeel Wiki]
Which is for V5, and it’s not really a document like a PDF…
Note that the French page is at least up to date for V6 - but it seems to be the only one surprisingly…
Is there anything better than the above?
Thanks, Mitch
Please teach them they must learn English and be comfortable to use the English commands and UI above all. 
Maybe you can extract the commands from xml file in folder named localization (%APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Localization). At least for czech localization there is file cs-cz.xml
Yeah, that’s what I did already, took the relevant part - first 1000 lines - saved them as a text file, imported into Excel, removed the unneeded columns, then a bit of find/replace fixed the rest.
I’m going to flag the above as spam, as the post has been made and deleted several times, seems not to have to do with anything Rhino and is the persons only post on this forum.