Inconsistent command names in german translation

Hi Axel,

I am Thomas, the German translator at McNeel.

First of all: thank you for your message, this kind of help is always appreciated!

Now, the issues you mention are translations that have been taken from Rhino for Windows and some of them go back many years. Also, command names in Rhino aren’t always exactly the same as their description in the menu. You will find more examples like that in the future. Maybe we should have maintained a stricter coherence in the first place, you may be right about that. In other cases, I agree with you that the translation could be different/better. However, at this point, I am in some sort of dilemma: The translations were used and documented like that for years in Rhino for Windows and we want to have the same wording in both versions for the basic commands. So, if I change a command name or a menu entry, this has to be made in all Rhino versions, has to be changed in the documentation and long-time users have to adapt to the new wording. For this reason, I tend to change the core translations only when they are simply wrong.

To your list:

  1. “Punkte” -> 1-to-1 translation from the English original. The same inconsistency applies also to the “Point” command and the “Simple Point” menu entry.

  2. “Drehen” -> In English, they use “Rotate” and “2DRotate” where we have “Drehen” and “2D-Rotation” in German. I will adjust the tooltip to “Drehen” so that we have consistency.

  3. “Skalieren” -> Same inconsistency in English. However, you should be able to find “2DSkalieren” also when typing in “Skali…” Does this not work?

  4. “Rechtwinklig” -> Error, you are absolutely right. I will change that.

  5. “Rohr” -> this is a technical inconsistency. With the “RohrAnKurve” (_Pipe) command, you can choose the “Deckfläche” (cap) in the options. If I am right, some buttons are like shortcuts for a command and a specific option. If you launch the “RohrAnKurve” command, Rhino should display the respecting help page (in my version, it does).

If you have more specific concerns regarding the German translation, you can also contact me directy if you prefer:

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