Combine triangles to diamonds when we use diamond panel in lunchbox

Hi all,
when we use diamond panel in ring, at seam position, we will get two triangles, how can we transform two connected triangles(with green ink) into one diamond?
I don’t want to list them one by one and combine them, is there any tools to simplify this steps?
Thanks a lot.

here is GH
Rings with diamonds.3dm (54.1 KB)

in this video, at minute 4:25 it shows how to do that with exagons, it’s pretty same logic with diamonds :+1:


Have a try Ngon plugin. (5.5 KB)


I always have this feeling that Mr. GH. Parametric is actually on this forum all the time…

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If that is so, I like to say Thank You to him. I learned GH from him.

Cool, this give me the inspiration.

that’s great, get new useful plug-in