Color picker is slow to load

Has anyone else experienced the color picker in Rhino 7 for windows consistently taking what feels like a little too long to appear? For me it takes about four or five seconds to appear after I click on an object’s color to change it.


Is that a top level object in the file like a curve, or is it something else?
Are your files stored on your local SSD or on a network or cloud synced folder?

Are you running Rhino for Windows under virtualization like Parallels?

It seems to be any object.

My files are on a local drive.

Not running parallels.

I suppose it could be a plug-in.
What third-party plug-ins do you have loaded?

Also, is the slowness only the first time you open the color picker?
Is it faster after the first time it’s opened?



RhinoCAM. I bet it’s that. But it’s closed.

Every time I open the color picker.

Same here, I disabled color wheel (only old fashion square colors) and the color picker open faster (something better but not fast as V6).
I thought it was a problem related only to my pc but now I’ll check all other installations to see how fast the color wheel opens.

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So I did some tests and found that:
on high res monitor (4K) the time, the color picker takes to open, is directly proportional to the window size (bigger color picker → more time to open).
On Full Hd monitors the color picker opens quickly also if the window is big as all the desktop.

Edit: I’ve read Mitch’s Post (the one @jeremy5 linked) and found that at the end the issue was found there as well… so McNeel is working on it…

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Is this issue still being looked at? I did not join this post earlier but it’s been very slow to wait for the color picker dialog to open (takes between 1-2s, first half being a blank window, the colors show up). Compared to V5 and V6 when it was instant, this is bad, especially that we need to access this dialog very often. No 4K monitor or CMYK profile, just normal dialog:

Edit: I just noticed this is only a problem when the color wheel is displayed (any color space); only sliders or custom colors show up instantly.
So must be something about drawing the wheel, unfortunately this is what is being used the most over here. In V6 and earlier color wheel dialog opened fast, so I hope it can be improved in V7 as well.




Hi @Dale - is the color picker panel your baby?
Why is it so much slower to open in V7 compared to previous Rhino versions? Do you guys even see this slow opening problem on your end? (only with the color wheel, just sliders version opens relatively fast).

Also, cross-referencing this idea from the other post to have an “Apply” button along with OK/Cancel:
Wish: [Apply] button in Color Picker dialog - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum



I’ve been meaning to log this behaviour as well. On my system there is a noticeable lag when opening the colour picker in Rhino 7 as compared to Rhino 6. This is true whether it is set to slider or wheel:

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Thanks Anders, good comparison, shows how instant it was before V7. Over here the V7 with colorwheel opens twice as slow as on your end. V6 all is instant… I really miss that as we use color wheel a lot.


Hi guys - could you possibly look into this please?
Why do we get Atari XL dialog opening speed in Rhino 7 AD 2021?
Any other software I try, including older Rhino versions, the color dialog option is instant.
This is really bad.
Hi @pascal, any ideas?

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@Jarek - running the public 7.11 here and the color picker - say changing a layer color - is pretty much instant. Is there a particular way of getting at the CP that is slow or in all contexts?
@curtisw … fyi…

Added - RH-66022 Color Picker: Slow to load color wheel



hi @Pascal,

What color picker mode did you check? As I mentioned before, it only happens with the color-wheel modes, sliders only are fast.
I made a quick comparison video between V7 and V6 over here. Please note, which is not seen on the video, that from the moment I click on a layer color box until the blank color dialog shows up, it takes ~1s, then another 1s to go from blank to actual color dialog…
(Anders made a good side-by-side V6 vs V7 comparison as well, as seen above)
Here is mine:

Ah yes, ok - I tend to use the sliders - the color wheel lags a bit, for sure, ~ two-plus seconds, here, from click to a usable picker.


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OK, great that you can see it as well. Not great that it’s there.
I tend to use color wheels, feels more artsy :wink:

In another topic I did some (probably a bit exaggerated, but not much) math of the influence of this slowdown on our wokflow here:

We fiddle with colors a lot. For object/layer colors but also a lot with any material aspects, they all use the same slow color dialog.


fwiw, today, the color wheel loads quickly…


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hi @Pascal,

I just updated Rhino 7 to the latest daily build and yes, seems like all works fast now with the color wheel color picker. That’s great, it makes a huge difference. Was anything actively done to fix it? I did not see any YT item activity… either way, I hope it stays like that. Thanks for testing and looking into this problem!
