Clipping Section Issue

Hi @wim again…
despite it is there some issue with Clipping section…See .3dm below…
Sometimes are “background lines” visible, sometimes not…

CP_test.3dm (639.9 KB)

Hi -

I moved this post from the thread about Make2D - these are two separate processes.

I’m not able to reproduce that output here.

Can you provide the settings that I need to use?

Below are my screens.

  1. wireport - “Shaded mode”

  2. screen of CP setting:

Hi Dušan -

From the screenshot, I notice that you are using the EditClippingDrawings command. What happens when you delete the section drawing geometer and layers, and then run the ClippingDrawings command to create a new set?

Once the output is created in a version of Rhino with a specific bug, updating the drawings in a version of Rhino without that bug will still be wrong. In your file, I can reproduce the issue by moving the clipping plane or by running the EditClippingDrawings command, but not from scratch with the ClippingDrawings command.

I did run into a position of the clipping plane where a superfluous background line was created. I put that on the list as RH-85061 ClippingDrawings: Superfluous Background Geometry

Hi @wim
thank you for your reply. The result is the same for both commands “EditClippingDrawings” and “ClippingDrawings”

Might this be related to the issue I reported here (YT)?

Via Grasshopper and a simple custom HiddenLineDrawing script the problem of occluded lines appearing in the drawing dependant on certain clipping plane positions is traceable quite well.
If I understand correctly (please correct me if I’m wrong), ClippingDrawings use HLD under the hood as well, so maybe it’s the same issue?

I just checked that GH with the latest SR and it’s still misbehaving like when I reported it…
Maybe this is useful when searching the flaw?