Clipping Drawings - Unable to show hatches and curves


I am still exploring and learning how to use the ClippingDrawings function in Rhino8.

I am currently facing the issue where Hatches and Curves in the model are not able to get ‘passed through’ the ClippingDrawings, as shown in the screenshot below. This happens even after I have ensured that the hatch and lines are included in the ‘Objects’ for objects clipped.

I am doing this workaround where I put a hatch in the model as I would want to have some objects to have hatches (e.g. a wooden table with a wooden hatch) and then extract out the 2D drawings using ClippingDrawings (instead of adding the hatches on top of the 2D drawings after (as this makes more sense as a workflow to me)).

Is there a better workflow for this?

I find this weird as I would think that the clipping drawings should almost essentially be the “same” as clipping planes, if that makes sense.

Attached files for reference:

test clipping drawings.3dm (479.7 KB)

Hi Owi -

I’ve put this on the list as RH-85431 ClippingDrawings: Support Background Curves and Hatches