I have a CityGML file and Im trying to impro the geometry in grasshopper, then I want to separate buildings to create IDF file from each building using Ladybug tools. But I cannot import the geometry to create the simple 3d of the buildings. Is there anyone who could help me. I have attached the files.
Search for “FZK-Viewer” (By KIT-University), import the citygml, export as STL, import STL to rhino
Use AntFarm
Import by grasshopper. There is no public available importer anywhere. I´ve searched something like this for months. So I wrote my own one. It´s certainly not that easy. You should go for option 1/2.
Dear Wim. Thanks for your suggestions. I tried Antfarm, but after importing my file it shows nothing while it says that successfully reads it. maybe you could try it and let me know. empa_campus_swissbuildings3D.zip (367.4 KB)
Actually I have tried both of them but importing file without using semantic information has not been uet possible for me through the above two methods. if you got time I would appreciate if you take a look at it empa_campus_swissbuildings3D.zip (367.4 KB)
…did you press “zoom extends”? Or “select all” and then “Zoom selected”. The imported geoemtry should be georeferenced. Therefore many kilometers away from rhino-origin. You have to move your perspective to the imported geometry. If your file is a CityGML file it has to work. I did it 500+ times.
What semantic information do you need?