Ceilling plan

Hi, i was trying to do a reflected ceilling plan with visualarq, but so far the plan section cant flip its direction, or maybe i don’t know how I can do this. Anyone can help?

I don’t know how but I’m curiousto know

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Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate, @huss191998,
VisualARQ doesn’t have yet the option to generate Reflected Ceiling Plans. It’s a feature planned in future versions. However, there have been people asking for this already, who have provided some tips and workarounds in this thread: Reflected ceiling plan and Plan Hatch Issues

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I haven’t actually tried this yet, but thinking about it now, perhaps you could try the following work around experiment, which involves just two steps and avoids the need to alter the clipping plane:

  1. Create a grasshopper definition that mirrors all objects that would be in the RCP vertically, such that when viewing the model in plan view you see these objects as they would appear in an RCP. You could do this with a geometry pipeline by layers which contain objects like lights, smoke alarms, etc.

  2. Set up a layer state called RCP which turns off the layers which you wouldn’t want to appear in the RCP.

When you want to make the rcp, you can simply bake the grasshopper definition and then activate the rcp layer state.

Its not perfect by any means, but it should work ok in the majority of situations. The only variables would be the distance of the mirror plane (based on height of the space) and which layers to turn on/off.

Think this could work?

I am still eagerly awaiting Visarq to integrate a simple rcp workflow. I’ve updated my own workflow since I made a previous post a few years ago. For now, I create a separate file with an embedded and linked version of my rhino BIM file. I then mirror the link, assign levels, and view the live plans on sheets before adding dimensions and such. I add additional rcp datum lines and other elements to be dimensioned in the rcp model if needed. This works ok though it adds an additional step, especially when it comes time to print that part of the set.

I have attempted a grasshopper method within the BIM file by flipping the geometry and creating a make2d element. It is a very memory intensive process and ultimately doesn’t seem to update as cleanly as embedding a flipped link into a separate file.


Hi all, as most of you may know, VisualARQ 3 includes tools for creating Reflected ceiling plans.

On one hand, there is a shortcut in the Level Manager to set the view to a reflected ceiling plan of a selected level. You can see how it works here: https://youtu.be/tiFcS3u7-fI?si=HLOte4Ct8gKQKUyp&t=435

In addition, it is also possible to create a reflected ceiling plan in 2D with the vaPlanView command. I’ll be glad to hear from your feedback about this new feature in VisualARQ 3.