I am trying to do some exercises here in rhino and one of them requests to figure out how to bend the Knot object along a section of a circle (1/4 of the circle).
I think that the possible commands to use would be Flow, Bend and Twist.
When I tried using Bend, I could only find FlowAlongSurface, and when I did that, it didn’t work.
Bend seems inexact, I can’t figure out how to use it without guesswork and “good enough” eye-meters.
Twist is a mysterious force that I am setting aside.
Could someone point me towards a possible tutorial or more help so I could do this?
Or explain how to more exact on Bend?
is this what you re after ?
I used flowAlongSrf and make sure that the base and target surface have same dimensions.
commands I used to prepare
_extrudeCrv _length
_orient3Pt to bring the knot to 000
Is there an specific reason for why the base and target need to have the same dimensions?
Or, indeed, why there should be 2 different surfaces that aren’t based on the circles?
it does not have to be, but it will distort the proportion. if you are for instance looking for a stretched conversion then make the base as big as the object itself, it then will stretch nicely along the portion you defined. if you want this to fill in the quarter proportionally without stretching, you would have to resize the knot then make both surfaces the same size. without any resize or stretch it will not fit into your quarter, or you shrink your quarter.
you can of course also keep the knot in that size and just resize the target surface proportional, in that case using the smaller surface here on the bottom to flow on to the big square surface will also work.