Can't scroll long layer lists in object properties

Why is it that you can’t scroll all the way down the layers list when in the object properties Tab ?

I am forced in creating sub-layers to shorten the list, or fiddle with the UI, which is just a PITA.

And sometimes, for no reason, the elevator doesn’t even show up.

Hi Olivier -

Thanks → RH-84544 Properties: Can’t Scroll Entire Layer List

Hi Wim,

Thanks, but also : what’s with the elevator lunacy ?

Hi Olivier -

Good question. I haven’t seen that here, though. As you noted, it only happens sometimes. It’d be good to find out more about that. When it happens, does it then consistently do that or does it go back to showing the scrollbar when you try again?

It mostly doesn’t work.
Try the following :

I’m afraid that seems fine here:


Ha ! Maybe that’s because you code Rhino on the same computers that you try to debug it with.
Lots of nasty things happen when you change the Windows version, screen resolutions, …

Plus one report on this issue, ran into it yesterday, first time I’ve had a file open in R8 with enough layers to need a scroll bar.



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Also that layer dialogue doesn’t even try to fit itself onto the screen? Just runs off the edge…

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I’m just at lunch, when I get back to my desk I’ll check the file again and report. My R8 updated itself this morning, that may have changed things.



Ok - I can confirm that the layer PANEL is working OK for me:

However the layer menu in the bottom bar is limited in what it will display/can’t be scrolled:

Just a little bit of pain point - please see what can be done, THANKS!



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