Can’t save PDF by Export or save as PDF via Printing… Have to open in preview and even then it crashes!
Please can there be a solution to saving as PDF via printing and exporting. It some times works but most of the time when I go to save as a PDF it cashes… I have to flick between saving via printing or exporting or opening in preview… so it takes me 4 or plus to save a simple drawing as a PDF… When I had Rhino 7 as a free trial this never happened… I have just recently paid for it and its now doing this. PLEASE someone help as this is so basic and a must.
On macOS, please only use Export to create PDF files.
Is this a specific file that crashes all of the time and others don’t, or all files some of the time, or…?
When you create a simple box in a new file and export that to PDF, does that crash?
The evaluation version is identical to the commercial version but perhaps you used a different Service Release? Please run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the result here.
I’m having the exact same issue but on Windows.
Everytime I try to save a PDF, the program crashes.
I’ve tried using Print, Save As, and Export (even export selected), I can set the layout and everything but when the second I save the program stops responding and crashes.
It is weird because I’ve tried doing that in a file and printing some elements work, but when there are too many lines or hatches it crashes.
It happens regardless of being saved on vector or raster output.