Can't Get OSnap to Work on these Curves

I posted here yesterday about how to do this in Grasshopper but got pointed in the direction of doing more in Rhino. I’m trying to connect these curves to create a pillow block but it is not recognizing the end/mid/tang points of the curve so I can snap them together. OSnap is turned on. I’ve got to be missing something obvious but I can’t figure out what the issue is. When I make new curves, they snap. Just not with existing curves.
Untitled.3dm (50.2 KB)

Hi @Synth_and_Keys,

snapping while dragging works a bit different. Note the section “Object snaps when dragging” in the help file:

Rhinoceros Help - Object snaps | Rhino 3-D modeling (


In the example given in the help docs, their cursor snaps to the center point of the line. I tried to recreate and I’m not getting the option to drag by mid/end point. Is there a setting I have turned off or something?

You’ll need to have Mid/End enabled and hold your mouse near that position until that snap appears near your cursor. Then start draggig.

Basically you can select the object first, hold down your mouse where you want to start the snap, eg. near your arc’s End point, you’ll see End near the cursor. (End snap must be enabled for this to work). Then drag the arc to the position where you want to snap that End point to:


Alternatively, use the _Move command, select the arc, start _Move and click on the arc’s End point, the arc now follows your mouse. Click again at the position where you want to move & snap to.


When using _Move, just follow the command prompt.

The move command seemed to work, but disappointing that I can’t get drag to work. I have almost everything selected in OSnap.
O Snap 2

Mid shoould work with dragging - the trick is to select near enough to the mid point of the curve (or whatever snap you want to use) as you start the drag.

Does that work?


Hi @Synth_and_Keys,

so if you pre-select a line or curve, position the mouse cursor over an end point, then hold the left mouse button down without releasing it, you don’t get the End snap shown near the mouse cursor ?


Nope no luck. Only recognizes the points in move.

No I do not. As shown in the video I just posted, I have no points showing up at all.

Hi @Synth_and_Keys,

do you see the snaps near the cursor when using _Move ?

Please check if you have Osnap enabled here:


I do see them when using move.
I have the same settings as the picture you posted.

In your last video i can not see that you’re actually holding down the mouse for a while before you drag. You seem to drag immediately.

On my system, the End snap appears after after holding down for around half a second. If i drag immediately, the End snap is not shown beside the mouse cursor.


Oh, I understand now! That’s little counterintuitive that you have to hold it down, but it’s working now. Thank you so much.

finally :slight_smile:

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