Can't Access Material For Ground Plane

Hello everyone,

When I clicked “Use a material” under Effect in the Ground Plane panel, I wasn’t able to access the material to change the material of the Ground Plane.

Can someone help me out please on how I can access the materials to change the material of the ground plane?

Thank you,

are you using some sort of display scaling?

it appears that half the panel is hidden,

try undocking it and redocking it

I have also some issues with materials applied to the ground plane.

(i’m trying to replicate the tutorial on the left… and the ground plane doesn’t reflects the car in my Rhino rendered mode)… but it reflects the environment… … Is this the expected behaviour of ground plane in Rhino8? (it actually works on Raytraced mode… but not on render mode)

metal can behave unexpectedly, try changing your ground plane material to plastic with a fairly high reflection value.

please dont double post, distributing the same question all over the place does not help anybody more.