Can you make a script to pick only unwelded edges as seams?

Hi @Bruno_E1, below is a script which only allows selection of those mesh edges: (1.8 KB)

To use this (nested) inside _Unwrap command, some special workflow is required. First save the script somewhere on your harddrive and make a new button with the following command:

_-RunPythonScript “C:\YourPathToScriptFile\”

You’ll need to provide the proper location in above example file path. Try the button before doing the next step, it should allow to select by picking or window and crossing selection and it should keep selected mesh edges selected after the command is run.

Now, start _Unwrap, select the mesh(es) as usual, when it asks for the seam selection, click on your new button (this runs the script) and just window select over the mesh(es) to select all naked, unwelded edges. Press _Enter twice to unwrap.
