Naked Edge Select

Is there a way to select just the naked edges of a Poly surface? I want to select all the naked edges then do a 2d scale on them to edit my larger poly surface. However there are easily hundred of naked edges, and it would both take a long time to select as well as be difficult to refine my edits. Hopefully this is a single command, but a series of commands would be fine too.

Hello- no way that I know of off hand in plain Rhino. It is possible a script could do this, I’ll have a look. However, the scaling seems like a good way to make a mess - can you post a simple example, before and after, where you’ve done this?

@cameronbehning here is a quick try - it seems to work but not update the gumball, which is a bit of a nuisance. (589 Bytes)

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"


I did my fix on a smaller object and like you predicted it was a mess. I guess I won’t be using this as my fix.

Additionally, I did try your python script, but I didn’t work. I got the “Select Object” query, but after selecting my Poly surface, it flashed selected then nothing.

I’ve tried with less complex objects and still nothing. Not sure if my object ids are bad or if there is some other problem in the script. Naked edges do get identified with the “showEdges” command.

Hello- OK- I would expect it to work, it does here, but really a quick script so there may be something I left out - can you post your example file?

What if you start the Move command after running the script - what happens?’

Meantime, what are you trying to fix with this, can you post an example?
