Selecting naked edges of sub-elements

Hello again! :smiley:
Is there a way to select the naked edges of selected faces of a mesh? Like a command or a process to get them. This can be very usefull to continue editing the mesh. I was looking for but can´t find something. Thanks in advice! :smiley:

Hi Sebastian -

It’s not clear if you only need to view them or if you need them as selectable geometry.
The ShowEdges command will show naked edges. You can use ZoomNaked to either cycle through all naked edges on an object or to zoom to all of them. If you need geometry, you can use the DupBorder command.

Thanks for your answer Wim
I didn´t know of the ZoomNaked command. It´s really curious haha thanks!
What I refered is that if exist a command that can select the naked edges of a select mesh face or surface. Or is it possible to create a command with scripting that allow this functionality? Thanks! :smiley:

Hi Sebastian -

It’s still not clear if you want that as geometry or for visualization only. Apart from that, I suppose that the “… of a selected mesh face or surface” part of the question was missing in my first answer. You can use an extract command to copy those selected faces and then check for naked edges on those.