As the title says …
I haven’t tried in years but I bet it still can when the mesh is all quads.
Thanks for the reply.
Is there any other route to make a mesh object into a nurbs object that you know about? I’m working in modo a lot these days and I’d like to be able to convert my poly work into nurbs. For instance I just did a bed for a client and the bed is Rhino / nurbs but the bedspread, etc. is mesh. I’d like all components to end up as nurbs.
There is no “automagic” way to easily make an accurate, smooth NURBS model from a mesh. The process is called Reverse Engineering. It’s a slow, tedious slog and requires a fair amount of Rhino skill and creativity.
There are tools to help with the process but it’s never easy.
To get your head around the process, here’s a link to a V4 White Paper that describes the process. It starts off with a really ratty mesh, probably much worse than the one you’re starting with, but it covers the process:
Is there some reason that the bedspread NEEDS to be NURBS? What harm is there in leaving that part a mesh? It seems like a good solution to me.
1 modo has it’s own plug-in to convert proper done meshes into Rhino file. It’s one of the news presented for version 8.
2 Yes, T_splines it’s able to convert mesh into nurbs, works quite well BUT:
-isn’t an “automagic” button click
-it depends a lot on how much triangular faces you have.
- it’s the exact way the modo plug-ins it does.
3 always better to keep working with meshes were possible.
Thanks for all the replies.
I’m aware that there is no magic bullet and I’m willing to do some work.
I’ve avoided the modo translators because they’re rather expensive, they don’t have trial versions and, up until a year ago, they received very mixed reviews. I will have to look into them again, now that everything over there is on sale. I notice there is also a plugin for Cinema called
Maybe I should be more forgiving of meshes in Rhino, I always thought of them as rather poor cousins to nurbs - lacking the flexibility of real sub division surfaces. I’ll look into it again, maybe I’m wrong about that.
Thanks again.
Hi arail,
most depends on the job you have to do with the model. For engineering it’s better to have a nurbs model but, because you are working on “softbody” bed, meshes could result simpler.
About cost:
T_splines isn’t a cheap software now and the cost it’s very near to the modo plug-in.
The modo ones allow you for an easier conversion because it’s more integrated.
Thanks again for the replies.
I’m going to look at the modo plugin and see if I can grab a license before the promo is up.
The reasons I like to have a single file format are various - most importantly because I have to move around a lot in my work - modo, Rhino and very likely Cinema 4D in the immediate future. Importing and exporting is always a pain and it’s quite a bit more complicated bringing in a project with different file formats. Also, I convinced the company I’m working for to purchase 3D software for their CINC operation (the ‘bed’ and ‘bedspread’ were sculpted in foam at approx twice life size for a set) and the operators are up against a steep learning curve to master the software to achieve what I want. It makes their life easier to give them one file format tailored to their abilities. I’ve pushed them to learn Rhino and now they’re comfortable with nurbs but asking them to start messing with meshes right after I threw nurbs at them might result in my being ‘sculpted’ on the CNC machine.
Thanks again - this has all been helpful.
Hi - try RhinoResurf - A lot of our customers achieve great success with this product - you can buy it from us via
I can understand your point, it’s true changing again could be dangerous.
From this point of view T_splines it’s a but different from "rgino
Just a question : why do you need cinema?
Many people talk about it but I’m not sure what’s the benefits.
Each of the 3 big polygonal modeler’s have different strengths and weakness. Maya is strong in character animation and special effects, Max is strong in game design and architectural visualization and Cinema is strong in motion graphics. By the nature of the work that I do I should be adding Max to my tool set but I like the Cinema environment quite a bit more than Max. I’m more comfortable in it. I can’t put my finger on it but I think those things are important. Rhino is the same way. I love working in Rhino and it makes my day better. There are other programs (AutoCAD for instance) that I could do my work in but I don’t like working in any of them in the way that I like working in Rhino. I think your joy in using a program is a significant factor in how productive you’ll be.