Can I select and move a mesh face?

In Grasshopper, is there a way to select and move a mesh (or SubD) face? I thought it would be similar to the way I can do this with a point or a whole mesh. I see Params…Geometry…Mesh Face, but I can’t select a face with that by clicking in Rhino.

I have also tried with M+ Select Mesh Faces and when I set the A input to True, I can select faces, but can’t figure out how to get them to move. Connecting the out of SelFace to Move isn’t allowed.

There is no “select” stuff in grasshopper… unless you actually want to simulate user edit on rhino objects.
A mesh face is nothing more than a small list of 3 or 4 ints (triangle or quad) which are the indexes of the vertices defining that face.
On rhino an user can visually click stuff, on grasshopper you mainly works with numbers, more basics inputs and work on a deeper level.

There is the “Point Deform” component on grasshopper:

mesh face (15.1 KB)

What is that “M+” thing? And “SelFace”? … a plugin?

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Thank you. I’ll try that.

Yes MeshPlus is a plugin I found here:

[quote=“maje90, post:2, topic:112281”]
On rhino an user can visually click stuff, on grasshopper you mainly works with numbers, more basics inputs and work on a deeper level.
[/quote] You are mostly right but there is a grab component via kangaroo