Select sub surface in sub grasshopper

Hello, me again!

I am using the @flexibility plugin to make multiple subd bridges on a set of large Sub D’s

I am wondering if there is a way to select a single subd face in rhino, and somehow refrence just the face in grasshopper.

I know that grasshopper does not recognise sub components, but perhaps something along the lines of nearest point on mesh, but with nearest face.

Attached a .gh file with internalised geometry as a simple example. (135.8 KB)

I did see @DanielPiker bridge script but it refrences the closest points and I would idealy like to continue with the flexibility component.

thank you!

This can be done with native components. (31.0 KB)

Three SubD boxes and two lines are internalised.

The definition first identifies which faces need to be deleted on the mesh representation of the two SubD’s. In a second step, the connectivities between lines and mesh faces is found. Lofting requires at least two curves with matching control point order. Sorting is difficult and I had no better idea than to shift the control points four times and create all possible lofts and extract the one with the largest surface area. The lofts are converted into simple meshes and joined with the open meshes from step one. Finally everything is converted into a SubD again.


hi @pretorius.sean you can select face by Point like in this example video

Bridge subdfaceselect by Points (20.0 KB)

Hi @martinsiegrist Thank you once again! Gonna have to send you donuts by mail at this rate.
In the end I used multipipe, nearest point on mesh and line 2pts.

But your definition definitely does look cleaner. Thanks again for taking the time again to help.
Heres another donut and a cofee ! :doughnut: :coffee:

Here is the definition if anyone is interested. (34.4 KB)

Hi @arcarc60 This is so much better!! Ill give it a go. Thank you.

This works well for bridging, however I have a different need for selecting specific faces. perhaps it is not possible but I want to push/pull faces in the way we can in Rhino …the closest point isolates the index for the faces but I cannot work out how to move these faces instead of bridging them to a second subd.(ie. is there a component into which I can feed the indexes and pull their respective faces ?)
here is a typical set of 4 faces pulled in Rhino…can I do the same in GH ?