Is there a reason or is it a bug? I can cage-edit degree 1 surfaces, but not a degree-1 line.
Hi Peter - works OK here, so far, using a bounding box 3d cage - is that what you are doing?
Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. World BB cage with pointcount=4 in each direction, degree 3 for all directions. Here’s a file. We must be doing something differently.
cagedegree.3dm (153.9 KB)
Hi Peter - make sure PreserveStructure =No.
Hm. Now I see the problem here as well, in your file.
Yeah, I see it in your file, not in a new one…still poking…
I see - I’m drawing my line using the Polyline command. If I do it with Line, it works as expected I think? I never use the Line command.
I see that, thanks. SimplifyCrv
will sort it out, but there is a bug there, thanks for the report.
Yeah, under the hood your line is still a polyline curve, not a line curve…
RH-75062 CageEdit: Fails on polyline
RH-75062 is fixed in Rhino 7 Service Release 30