Hi there, is there anyone that might know what my problem is. I’ve applied a material (plastic) with a Grit bump map and it shows up great in the rendered viewport but not in a raytraced render.
I’ve tried to look for an answer and cant seem to find anything. I followed the steps described in this post and set BumpStrengthFactor to 10 but it has had no effect.
Would be amazing if someone could help me out. Thanks.
Thank you this has definitely helped I’ve attached some images of the adjustments where I changed the values of both bump_distance and bump_strength_factor
Odd tho that this is this solution and not implemented with an update? or is it system specific?
There are a couple of competing scenarios for which I am not yet able to propose a good solution code-wise. Hence the need for using BumpStrengthFactor and BumpDistance.
For anyone else trying to solve this issue, the settings that worked for me to get the raytraced bump close to what the rendered viewport is showing are as follows: