Hi, I wonder if there has been an update how “objects” are baked in recent rhino updates?
This gh script has worked not so long time ago, and now all objects are just baked to active layer, instead of specified:
Can you send us the model and GH definition? It probably does not need to include the whole model.
Also, run systeminfo command so we can determine the exact build.
I will give it a try.
I appreciate help, I can replicate bug even on brand new simplified file
RH_Bug.3dm (44.7 KB)
RH_BUG_1.gh (4.7 KB)
systemInfo_rhbug.txt (3.4 KB)
This was introduced in 8.16 and quickly fixed.
Hi, i have been searching around a bit but i cannot find how to revert back to 8:15? all links direct me to the lastest release, is there an archive available for older stable versions?
We typically send you a link if need be, ideally any regressions are addressed immediately and older versions are obsolete.
Sent you an english 8.15 installer, let me know if you need something different (or alter the link)
Thanks Japhy, i got a your link.
In lastest 8.17 the issue i described is still present.
systeminfo_2.txt (3.5 KB)
I misunderstood, i see now that you are referring to the legacy right click bake asking you to choose a layer even though the Model Object has had one assigned. Thanks for reporting.
Is fixed on next 8.17 SR that will be released next Tuesday.