Bug with complex wall

Hi guys,

FYI for some reason your walls don’t seem to show all layers in plan or 3D when they abut other objects. You can see that it works on one side of this curtain wall but not on the other for some reason - the sandwich panel is totally missing.


File attached, I am using RC 3.2

Thanks and happy new year!
ComplexWall Problem.3dm (4.9 MB)

I’ve noticed two things will remove this problem. If the wall is redrawn with a left alignment this sometimes works, but ultimately the curtain wall has to be perpendicular otherwise it fails.

Hi @avatarlucas there are two other ways to resolve this issue:

  1. You set a thickness of 0 to the “Paint” wall layer
  2. You change the Absolute tolerance of your document to 0.0001m. (later on update the walls).

In any case, it’s strange that this problem happens only with certain wall alignment. We will investigate what’s going on anyway.