Hi all, @Gijs
I found an issue in the Scale1D command.
I’m working with thousand parts and I use groups to speed up the operation.
I’m getting groups to move as single object while using the Scale1D command, instead of moving realtive to each position
I think it need a double option like in the FlowonSrf : Rigid and RigidGroup.
(in my opinion Rigidgroup should always be = NO)
Are you talking about ScalePositions? Normal Scale1D shouldn’t be different with objects grouped or not, it’s just a scale factor applied to all objects from a fixed origin.
Hi @skysurfer
As @Helvetosaur mentions, Scale1D is - and always has been - a “single point of origin” operation, so all the objects will scale from that point, whether they are grouped or not.
If you want to scale based on multiple objects individual center (or bounding box min/max in either X, Y or Z) try BoxEdit. That will let you individually transform and scale (both uniform and non-uniform) objects - even within groups - with no problems.
HTH, Jakob
@Helvetosaur, @Normand
thanks but no, I want to move a series of object with a fraction of the total movement.
Let’s imagine you have 10 boxes with a space of 10. The total distance is 100.
I want to move the boxes without changing the size but in a total distance of 90.
This is possible with the Rigid option inside the Scale1D but it work if the object are ungrouped and not if they are grouped.
what the hell I missed it.
Thank both ffor the suggestion.
But yes Scale1D rigid seams buggy.
edit: ScalePositions has to calculate the Bounding box converting to a mesh.
I’m working on 5.000 (yes 5K) rounded object and the meshing now is taking ages!