[BUG] Rhino 8 - Duplicate Layers


We can now create duplicate layers, and hiding parent layer does not hide the duplicate.

Awesome! :crazy_face:


Hello- what was the process for creating or naming these? So far I cannot repeat.


  1. Open Rhino with Default Layers.
  2. Put Layer 05 inside Layer 04.
  3. Create new Layer, name it Layer 05.
  4. Drag newly created Layer 05 inside Layer 04, but not by hovering over Layer 04 name as you will get the :no_entry_sign: icon. Instead drag it below it.

Yep, repeated this here on Rhino 8, 8.4.24009.13521

Hi @ShynnSup,

I can repeat - thanks for reporting.


– Dale

RH-79755 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4 Release Candidate

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