Bug: linetype not displayed when object is far away

Reporting a bug here, with the last Rhino 8: the linetypes or at least the dotted linetype doesn’t show when the object is far away from the origin of document.

The same dotted line will show (correctly) dotted near the origin and solid when moved far away. See screenshot below. The testfile and system info dump are also attached. The file is based on the “large object, cm” template.

Any idea how to fix that ?

I understand that you should not work in centimeters so far from the origin, but it is sometimes unavoidable as an architect, as people ask you to work with georeferenced file (the position of the object is its position on earth).

dottedline_bug.3dm (2.6 MB)
systeminfo.txt (2.3 KB)

Hi Crtn -

We have this issue on our list as RH-81516 Display: No linetype segments FFO

Until this gets fixed, perhaps you can use the ExtractLineTypeSegments command to quickly create the segments for visualization purposes?

Hi Wim,

Thanks for your answer and the tip. I will wait for the bugfix in the future releases !