I’ve noticed an anomaly with history-enabled dimensions not updating automatically when their objects are moved. Whilst the included clipping plane is active, the associated dimension doesn’t update when I move the wall/door feature, however it does update after disabling the clipping plane!
The attached 3dm file is not the same as what you show in the image and I’ll need instructions on what to do to see this behavior. Trying from scratch in a new document seems fine…
I thought you meant that a dimension that was already drawn updated when the clipping plane was deactivated. It’s new dimensions that work as expected.
I’ll get this on the list.
EDIT: Feature Request: RH-86322 History: Feature Request: Support for Annotation on ClippingPlane Section
For the time being, you’ll have to create clipping planes in locations where dimension snapping hits a point that is supported by history, such as the mid point on a vertical edge.