BUG: Color picker Rhino 7

Hey @Jessey_s_Zepeda,

Sorry that didn’t work, it must be something different going on vs. above issues. I’ve come up with a few steps you can do so I can figure out where the problem is:

  1. Quit Rhinoceros
  2. Open Terminal.app then paste the following and press enter:
    defaults write com.mcneel.rhinoceros.7 DebugLog -bool true
  3. Run Rhino and attempt to click to change the color (it will still not work, but it will log the problem)
  4. Next, paste the following into Terminal and press enter:
    log show --last 1h --predicate 'subsystem CONTAINS[c] "rhinoceros" && category MATCHES[c] "debug"' --style compact &> ~/Desktop/RhinoDebugLog.txt
  5. Finally, paste the following command to disable debug logging again:
    defaults write com.mcneel.rhinoceros.7 DebugLog -bool false
  6. Upload the RhinoDebugLog.txt file that should now be on your desktop.
