Bug at starting of Rhino 6

Hello guys,
I have install Rhino 6 on my Windows 7 64 bit pc.
After starting Rhino 6 crashed (see the screenshot).
I have uninstall Rhino and install again but the problem is not gone.

How can I solve that?

I have install Rhino 5 too and this works fine.

Hello - does Rhino 6 start at all? If so, please run SystemInfo in Rhino and copy/paste the results here.
Pleasae also make sure you have the latest video drivers, from the card manufacturer’s website, and all the available Windows updates - presumably none at the moment, but still.

All that said, Windows 7 is not on the list of supported Windows versions for V6.



No dosen`t start.

Yes all is up to date on my pc.

Do you have anyone a solution for me?

Hello - I’m afraid the solution is a newer version of Windows.
