Broken UVs after flow along surface

Hello ! I am currently working on a project which require to flow objects along a surface and I am having some issues with the UVs.

Here is the 3D surface and its UV unwrap version (mapping channel 1). I took care they have the same number of Us and Vs isometrics.

I also took care they have the same UVs mappings.

Then I modeled my objetcs from the flat surface and I unwrap them (mapping channel 2) to work the UVs.

I then flow them along the 3D surface and when I check their UVs ont the UV editor it looks fine but the rendered mapping doesn’t make sens.

I need help here. I don’t get why the mapping looks like that after the flow. I tried everything, every settings options of the flow along surface.

When you are transforming the object, the structure changes and therefore the render mesh will change too. If you can live with mesh objects, you could preserve the structure and mapping, see attached example:

mapping.3dm (563.8 KB)

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Thank you very much !

Yes I am ok with meshes, even more because I need to export a mesh file at the end. And the flow is faster with meshed objects.

What I don’t understand with your file is that when I open it, the mesh object has a broken mapping. But when I make the flow on surface myself, the mapping is correct…

And on my part the problem still exist even with mesh objects.
I converted the NURBS in meshes and the mapping is still fine on the flat version but when I flow the meshes the mapping is broken

Here is the file if you want to have a look:
problem flow UVs.3dm (2.7 MB)

This is a file I made to show my problem. But this happen whatever I am working on

that’s odd, looks buggy. HistoryUpdate also fixes the mapping.
RH-82989 FlowAlongSrf mapping doesn’t update

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hi @Lambert_Baptiste Jussi has added a way to make this possible in the latest 8.11, let me know if you want to try this out and I can provide you with a daily build that supports this.
It is still a bit of a workaround though, for reasons mentioned in the YT.

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Hi @Gijs that’s great ! Yes I would like to try it please.

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