Brep or polysurface to single surface (panelling?)

I am trying to post the question here since there was no response on the rhino for mac. Since it is a non platform specific question I hope you will have some willingness to jump over the systems.PatchSettings

BrepToSrfTest.3dm (14.9 MB)

From my very limited experience I have worked my way towards this solution:

  • manually construct a grid of curves, project that grid onto the polysurface.
  • Duplicate the border of the polysurface and patch all the curves into a single surface.

Why I did a grid manually was because I had to get the orientation right. I did a dupBorder and patched that hoping to use the paneling tools (which I know almost nothing about). But the patch had the wrong orientation, so manual it was.

I also tried various ideas from the web (and the manual) using the paneling tools. It is however quite hidden in the command prompt and I had a very hard time following the suggestions since they usually used the drop down menus from the pc version.

I am sure that there is a more intuitive solution out there and would be so thankful for any help, since I worked on the problem for days. It is from a quadmesh I did and and the end result must be a single surface since I want to use the flow along surface command in a later stage.

All suggestions are appreciated.

Hello - see if the attached is what you need- PatchOriented.3dm (591.3 KB)

The trick is to make a plane in the orientation you like (I set a CPlane to 3 points on the grid of curves and use the Plane command) Then in Patch set this as the ‘Starting surface’ and set Pull=0. Only the size and orientation will be used to influence the patch structure.

@broome - I updated the file above, my first go missed an edge.


Thank you,

Yes it works a lot better. Just to be clear on if I did it right:
I was in the right view plane

Cplane -> 3 points on surface -> orient the plane to surface

Plane I just drew one above the surface

Patch -> selected all curves on the polysurface -> select start surface -> the plane (pull=0)

Trimmed the patch with the curves from dupBorder of the polysurface

Hello - that sounds about right - as long as you get a plane oriented the way you like and scaled somewhat larger than the input curves, you should get the right orientation in the output.


Thank you so much